Milk Marketing Report

Milk Marketing Reports > 2024 > May

May 2024

The number of active producers for the month was 195


  Current Year  Previous Year 
Avg. Litres/Day  590,820  595,695 
Avg. Kg Butterfat/Day  25,481  25,449 
Avg. Composition, kg/hl     
Butterfat  4.3129  4.2722 
Protein  3.3160  3.2921 
Other Solids  5.9338  5.9421 
Bulk Haulage ($/hl)  3.74  3.87 

Producer Prices ($ per kg)

Prices paid to producers.

  Butterfat  Protein  Other Solids  Average/hl 
This Month In-Quota  12.7031  10.6820  0.9000  92.74 
This Month Butterfat Premium ($/kg) SNF/BF<2.30  0.0000  1.7644  0.6300   
This Month Over-Quota  -2.8406  -1.9520  -0.2695  -20.00 
Next Month Over-Quota Penalty  -2.8406  -1.9520  -0.2695  -20.00 

Processor Pricing

See Website s.3(1) of NS Milk Pricing regulations